Encode as String
Sometimes it is very important to handle different input object types differently in a function. This problem will exercise your understanding of types, control-flow, dictionaries, and more.
We want to encode a sequence of Python objects as a single string. The following describes the encoding method that we want to use for each type of object. Each object’s transcription in should be separated by
" | "
, and the result should be one large string.
If the object is an integer, convert it into a string by spelling out each digit in base-10 in this format:
.If the object is a float, just append its integer part (obtained by rounding down) the same way and the string
"and float"
one-two and float
.If the object is a string, keep it as is.
If the object is of any other type, return
# example behavior
>>> s = concat_to_str([12,-14.23,"hello", True,
... "Aha", 10.1, None, 5])
>>> s
'one-two | neg-one-four and float | hello | <OTHER> | Aha | one-zero and float | <OTHER> | five'
Tips: check out the isinstance
function introduced here for handling different types. Also, consider creating a helper function for the conversion from integer to our special-format string, since we have to do it twice. It’s always good to extrapolate repeated tasks into functions. You’ll also need to hard-code the conversion from each digit to its English spell-out.
Our solution is broken down into three simple functions. int_to_str
is used to map signed integers to English words. item_to_transcript
is capable of mapping an object of any type to its string representation, in accordance with the prescription made by the problem statement. Finally, concat_to_str
orchestrates these two helper functions, looping over each object in our input list, mapping each object to its string representation, and joining these strings with ' | '
def int_to_str(n):
Takes an integer and formats it into a special string
e.g. 142 -> "one-four-two"
-12 -> "neg-one-two"
mapping = {"0": "zero", "1": "one", "2": "two", "3": "three",
"4": "four", "5": "five", "6": "six", "7": "seven",
"8": "eight", "9": "nine", "-": "neg"}
return "-".join(mapping[digit] for digit in str(n))
def item_to_transcript(item):
""" Any -> str """
if isinstance(item, bool): return '<OTHER>'
if isinstance(item, int): return int_to_str(item)
if isinstance(item, float): return int_to_str(int(item)) + " and float"
if isinstance(item, str): return item
return '<OTHER>'
def concat_to_str(l):
Maps a list of objects to their string
representations concatenated together.
l: List[Any]
Input list of objects
>>> concat_to_str([1, None, 'hi', 2.0])
one | <OTHER> | hi | two and float
return " | ".join(item_to_transcript(item) for item in l)
We use the str.join
function along with a generator comprehensions in a couple places in our solution. Recall that
"<hi>".join(x for x in some_iterable_of_strings)
is equivalent to the long-form code:
out = ""
for x in some_iterable_of_strings:
out += "<hi>" + x
out = out.lstrip("<hi>") # get rid of the extra leading "<hi>"
plays a clever trick to convert each integer, digit-by-digit, into its string form - it calls str
on the integer. This converts the integer into a string, which is a sequence. This permits us to access each digit of the integer and even iterate over them:
# casting an integer to a string makes its
# sign and digits accessible via indexing/iteration
>>> x = str(-123)
>>> x
>>> x[0]
>>> x[-1]
Thus, in total "-".join(mapping[digit] for digit in str(n))
is responsible for casting an integer to a string, iterating over each of its digits and mapping them to their corresponding word using the dictionary that we defined in the function.
it an especially slick function. First, let’s make clear the fancy use of the inline syntax here. This function:
def item_to_transcript(item):
""" Any -> str """
if isinstance(item, bool): return '<OTHER>'
if isinstance(item, int): return int_to_str(item)
if isinstance(item, float): return int_to_str(int(item)) + " and float"
if isinstance(item, str): return item
return '<OTHER>'
is entirely equivalent to this function:
def item_to_transcript_alt(item):
""" Any -> str """
if isinstance(item, bool):
return '<OTHER>'
elif isinstance(item, int):
return int_to_str(item)
elif isinstance(item, float):
return int_to_str(int(item)) + " and float"
elif isinstance(item, str):
return item
return '<OTHER>'
The latter uses the familiar pattern of if-elif-else statements and makes for a completely satisfactory version of the function. See, however, that each of the multiple return statements in item_to_transcript
guarantees the same logic, in that if a condition is meant a value will be
returned by the function and none of its subsequent code can be visited. That is, if item
is an integer the second if-condition will evaluate to True
and int_to_str(item)
will be returned, immediately expelling the point of execution from the body of the function.
Ultimately, the preference of one function over the other is merely a matter of stylistic preference. You also have likely noted the peculiar in-line if-return
expressions. These too are only stylistic choices;
if isinstance(item, int): return int_to_str(item)
is no different from
if isinstance(item, int):
return int_to_str(item)
The use of in-line if-return
expressions in item_to_transcript
does a nice job emphasizing the dictionary-like mapping behavior of the function: the form of the code suits its functionality nicely. That being said, these should generally be used sparingly. Some may call this a “cute” trick. And it is. This code is cute. I write cute code.
Finally, you may have noticed what looks like a redundancy in our code: our first if
statement returns '<OTHER>'
if item
is True
or False
, and our final line of code returns '<OTHER>'
if none of the preceding conditions were met (i.e. item
is not a bool
, int
, float
, or str
type object). Why then did we not just merge our first if
clause with this ultimate catch-all? The reason is that True
and False
are not only instances of the boolean
type, they are also integers! True
behaves like the integer 1
and False
like 0
>>> isinstance(True, int) and isinstance(True, bool)
>>> 3*True + True - False
Thus, had we not taken care to check for booleans up front, True
and False
would have been mapped to 'one'
and 'zero'
, respectively, rather than '<OTHER>'
. This is a relatively subtle edge case to catch.